Summary: | Background: Lung cancer is the most frequent and one of the
most deadly cancer types in both gender. Histopathology
examination is required to determined cancer, however it is an
invasive method, Therefore cytopathologic examination can be
considered as an alternative examination. DR.Sardjito General
Hospital is the referred hospital in D.I. Yogyakarta and
Central Java, however the data concerning lung cancer profile
in this hospital have not been documented yet.
Objective: The aim of this study is to provide cytopathologic
profile of lung cancer diagnosed in Department of Pathology
Anatomy DR. Sardjito General Hospital year 2013.
Method: This research is an observational descriptive study.
All cytologic examination form in the year of 2013 collected
from Department of Pathology Anatomy, DR.Sardjito General
Hospital. Then lung cancer cases is analyzed by age, gender,
and the subtype.
Result: Fifty eight (29 %) out of 198 research subjects, were
lung malignancies. These cases consist of 38 lung carcinoma, 1
pulmonary blastome, 1 pleural mesothelioma, 17 metastasize and
1 unclassified. Proportion of lung carcinoma cases is 71% (27
cases) in male and 29% (11 cases) in female. Proportion of
each subtype of lung carcinoma including Adenocarcinoma,
Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Large Cell Carcinoma and Small Cell
Carcinoma is 13 cases (48,1%) ,5 cases (18,5%),6 cases
(22,2%),3 cases (11,1%) in male and 6 cases (54,5%),4 cases
(36,4%),in female respectively. No cases of Large Cell
Carcinoma and Small Cell Carcinoma found in female. There is
one unclassified subtype of Non-small cell lung carcinoma in
female group. Mean age of lung cancer patient is 55 ± 16,96.
In addition, the distribution of lung cancer is 1 case (2,6%)
age group <20, 4 (10,5%) age group 21-30, 1 (2,6%) age group
31-40, 10 (26,3%) age group 41-50, 6 (15,8%) age group 51-60,
8 (21,1%) age group 61-70, 7 (18,4%) age group 71-80, and 1
(2,6%) age group >80.
Conclusion: The mean age of Lung cancer patients is 55 ± 16,96
years old mean age, with peak incidence at 41-50 y.o. age
groups (26,3%). Adenocarcinoma is the most common subtype of
lung cancer found in both gender (48,1% in male and 54,5% in
female). Meanwhile, incidence ratio in lung carcinoma is 2,5:1
between male and female.