Summary: | Background: Lead intoxication is a major problem that
mostly happened in developing country. High lead
concentration in the air can cause increasing lead
concentration inside people who mostly doing their
activity in the road continuously. Concentration of
lead above the normal range can lead to many clinical
problems, one of them is anemia. Waifs and stray is one
of vulnerable subjects to be exposed by lead in their
daily life.
Objective: The aim of this study is to know the
relationship between lead concentration in the blood
and anaemia.
Subject and Method: The subjects are waifs and stray in
Rumah Singgah Girlan Nusantara a number of 55 people.
This study used cross sectional study design.
Result: From 55 subjects, known that 36 people have
blood-lead concentration <10 μg/dl and 14 people have
blood-lead concentration �10 μg/dl inside their body.
Using statistical test, known there is very weak
correlation with positive sign, but not significantly
different in statistic review (r=0,092