Summary: | Located in the northern coastal region of the western part of Java Island with
most of the area is below sea tide level, Jakarta always suffer from flood during rainy
season. The flood is an overflowing river that cross several areas of the city, one of them
is Ciliwung River. Manggarai Flood Gate is located on the downstream side of Ciliwung
River that control the water flow of Ciliwung River to West Flood Canal and to the
Ciliwung Lama River. The flood gate on Ciliwung Lama is cannot be opened during
major flood. It is only opened for certain times when there is a small discharge flow for
river maintenance and discharge. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate performance of the
two flood gates to reduce the burden of West Flood Canal, also for flood control in
Central Jakarta area.
This research conducts analysis of hydrology and hydraulics. The hydrologic
analysis uses average daily rainfall data of Ciliwung Catchment Areas with control point
at Kalibata Bridge, flood hydrograph is calculated with Nakayasu synthetic unit
hydrograph methods. Hydraulics analysis is performed with HEC - RAS 4.1.0 software.
The hydraulics analysis consists of two simulations, i.e. (1) Simulation model calibration
of Ciliwung River downstream area on the existing condition based on flood on February
4, 2007 (Q 2007), and (2) The simulation is performed in several periods with second
scheme, that is the first model branches out to the Ciliwung Lama River. Each flood
scenario has several simulation variations on gate elevation height of Ciliwung Lama�s
flood gate from 0.50 m to 8.00 m, with 0.50 m openings intervals. Each simulation results
are evaluated to obtain the maximum gate elevation height that will not cause flood along
the Ciliwung Lama River
The hydrologic analysis result for maximum daily rainfall is using Log Pearson
III distribution and maximum hidrogaf unit value is 3.34 m3/sec. Flood water level
(m.a.b) from hydraulics model calibration analysis simulation result is compared to the
m.a.b test result on observation point in 2007, and the result shows that the difference of
m.a.b. is relatively small, which is below 10 %. The evaluation of simulation result on
maximum gate elevation height height at Ciliwung Lama shows that based on flood in
Q2007 and period of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years, the maximum height for gate
elevation on Ciliwung Lama is 4,00 m, 2.50 m, 1.50 m, 1.50 m, 1.00 m, 1.00 m, and 1.00
m. The operational of maximum gate elevation on flood period at the observation points
of Kalibata Bridges, MT Haryono Bridge, Casablanca Bridge and Bukitduri Bridge shows
that it does not decrease the flood water level, while at the observation points of Slamet
Riyadi Bridge, Manggarai Bridge, BKB flood gate and RS 0000 Pasar Rumput shows
decrease on flood water level between 0.28 m to 0.74 m.