Summary: | Plastic ball is an example of plastic waste recycles products, as one of
efforts to solve plastic waste problems. Plastic balls have potency as aggregate in
lightweight concrete. Plastic balls as hollow space maker in concrete make
concrete become lighter. Lightweight concrete could use as non-structural
building element such as partition wall.
The purpose of this research is to find out concrete mechanical properties.
Concrete made from 3 grout types and plastic balls with � 4 cm which was
manufactured at small industry in Kabupaten Sragen. Those 3 grout types are
grout 1 cement : 1 sand, w/c ratio 0,55, grout 1 cement : 1,5 sand, w/c ratio 0,65,
and grout 1 cement : 2 sand, w/c ratio 0,8. Preplaced Aggregate Concrete (PAC)
was a method that used in this research, which chosen to prevent segregation
between grout and plastic balls. PAC�s grout must test to find out properties of
grout. The tests consist of flow cone, bleeding, and compressive test.
The result of this research is all of grout types fulfill flow cone test
requirement < 35 s, bleeding requirement < 5 %, with compressive strength range
about 25,9 � 44,8 MPa. Unit weight range of plastic balls aggregate concrete
between 1065 to 1117 kg/m3. The highest compressive strength of plastic balls
aggregate concrete is 1,779 MPa (grout 1 : 1,5). Plastic balls aggregate concrete
categorized as non-structural concrete. The highest plastic balls aggregate
concrete block is grout 1: 1,5 with 1,153 MPa, but it didn�t meet the SNI 03-0349-
1989 requirement as wall material. Compressive strength of concrete is affected
by bleeding, because bleeding made concrete�s top surface became porous and
weak, so that cracks appear and grout exfoliates from concrete. The highest
elastic modulus of concrete is grout 1 : 1 with 408,904 MPa. The price of plastic
ball aggregate concrete block for 1 m3 is about Rp 3.200.000,00, which is much
more expensive than Hebel.