Summary: | Background : Handwashing with soap (CTPS) is one of the best ways to prevent
communicable diseases such as respiratory and foodborne diseases. In Indonesia,
only 24% of people do CTPS properly. Acute respiratory infections are the main
diseases in Magelang district (IR = 125.1), while the diarrheal disease morbidity
(IR = 32.46) is higher than the Central Java province (IR = 18.88). School-based
CTPS programs could reach large number of student because of that CTPS are a
priority. School student are susceptable to infectious and can be health change
agents. It takes an appropriate methods, media and policy that CTPS can be
Objective : To identify the effect of health promotion through health education
(interactive lecture method with leaflet media, demonstration and simulation)
emphasized by regulation to do CTPS in school compared to health education
(interactive lecture method with flyer media, demonstration) without CTPS
regulation at school, to the knowledge, skill and habit of primary school students.
Methods : This study was a quantitative method, used quasi-experimental research
with non-equivalent pretest and posttest control group design. Participant were
grade III and IV at Sawangan primary School, Magelang District. Subject of the
treatment group consisted of 53 students and control group consisted of 47
students. Samples were taken by purposive sampling with certain inclusion criteria.
Instrument using questionnaires and observation sheet. Data were analyzed using
statistical tests, dependent t-test/Wilcoxon test and independent t-test/Mann-
Whitney U test, with a significance p value < 0.05.
Result : There was an increasing of knowledge, skill and habit in the treatment
group, and significant differences in knowledge (p = 0,0001), and habit (p =
0,017). There was an increasing of knowledge, skill and habit in the control group,
and significant differences in knowledge (p = 0,0001). There were differences in
the knowledge (p = 0,005), skill (p = 0.0001) between the treatment group and the
control group.
Conclusions : Health education (interactive lecture method with leaflet media,
demonstration and simulation) emphasized by regulation to do CTPS at school
proven to be more effective than health education (interactive lecture method with
flyer media, demonstration) without CTPS regulation, to increase the knowledge,
skill and habit of primary school students.