SIMULASI 1-D BANJIR AKIBAT KERUNTUHAN BENDUNGAN DENGAN PROGRAM HEC RAS 4.1.0. Studi Kasus Embung Tambakboyo Kabupaten Sleman � Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta

Based on the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 37 on 2010 about Dams, then any dam could potentially lead to catastrophic are required to have Emergency Action Plans (EAP) in case to take the necessary action if there is any failure or dam failure occurs. One of the storage that be analyze locate...

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Main Authors: , Jimmy Charles RN, , Dr. Ir. Adam Pamudji Rahardjo, M.Sc.
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2014
Summary:Based on the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 37 on 2010 about Dams, then any dam could potentially lead to catastrophic are required to have Emergency Action Plans (EAP) in case to take the necessary action if there is any failure or dam failure occurs. One of the storage that be analyze located in urban areas are Embung Tambakboyo. It located in Tambakboyo meandering river in the Subvillage Tambakboyo, Village Wedomartani, Ngemplak Subdistrict, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Province. The reservoir has an area of inundation 56.062,61 m2 and 366,881.81 m3 of bin discharge, dam body construction made by fondation floating concrete reinforcement type has spillway elevation + 147 m with a maximum water level of 9 m from the bottom of the reservoir . Based on the technical data and the location of the reservoir, where the downstream ponds are densely is necessary to do the dam breach analysis. Embung Tambakboyo dam breach simulation model done by 1-D model simulation using the HEC RAS software 4.1.0 vesion. Input data is obtained from flood hydrograph data from Design Note of Embung Tambakboyo. It analysis based on rainfall analysis data which generates the maximum rainfall that may occur in estimating maximum discharge used as the maximum flood discharge ( Probable Maximum Floods , QPMF ) with a value of QPMF = 327,981 m3/s. For flood routing analysis, observations made to the maximum water level and through to the downstream as the main observation point is Embung Tambakboyo (RS 13+691) with spillway elevation + 147 m , constantly flooding until the confluence with the Opak river (RS 0+000) throughout 13.691 km . Dam breach simulation results of Embung Tambakboyo with program HEC RAS 4.1.0 and QPMF as an input is 1) discharge due to dam breach sensitive for breach time parameters and less sensitive to the slope of the fracture parameters, 2) the sensitivity of Manning roughness coefficient affects to the maximum water surface elevation generated, 3) the effect of damming on downstream can increase the maximum water level in the downstream bridge and cause runoff on embankment dam Tambakboyo 4) flood routing is done with the results of simulating the conditions of maximum flood elevation at the end of the simulation results and analysis in the form of Qpeak = 1.205,16 m3/s, hmax flood from 3,18 m to 11,32 m, travel time total of the initial flood path is 2 hours and 56 minutes, travel time total of the flood peak is 4 hours 31 minutes. Inundation area of each cross section maximum = 1.415,91 m2 and minimum of 27,94 m2. The results obtained from the input data for flood inundation map-making as a result of the collapse of the dam Tambakboyo certain conditions.