Summary: | homeland, a love that causes him willing to sacrifice what he had for the
sake of his country both in terms of thought, word or deed. Even the material that
he had - would be given for free of charge for the sake of his country. It seemingly
could be shown in American revolution era, which wanted to independence. For a
long time, the American people are under the control of the British state. They
should always be forced to sacrifice whatever they had, including paying taxes. In
addition, they are also excluded from parliament in decisions concerning the rules
for the American people. Therefore, from all various pressures, the American
people finally revolted through revolution. They want to be independent from the
confines of the shackles of England. Then, it emerged a group, as called patriot.
Patriot group worked to organize the revolution, which also gave rise to a new
spirit in America so that it grew the patriotism of the common people. Their goal
is independence so that their existence is recognized.
Ballad of the object is taken from some ballads, sufficiently, to see the
story represents the history of the American revolution. The ballad is the narrative
song , so the assumption from ballad is that created by the current social situation.
The Researcher takes an object from the compilation ballads of the American
Revolution by Frank Moore. The problem focuses in the characters patriots and
history of the American revolution implied in these ballads.
Between patriots and ballads, the researcher connects using the theory
promoted by Joseph Campbell on the Hero with A thousand faces with stage
separation, initiation and return along with a multidisciplinary view, in culture,
history and literature. From the stage, it turns out the character of a patriot such as,
do not give up, have a brave nature, assertive, not fear, do not worry, believe in
God, and finally a patriot understand his own existence as free beings.