Summary: | This study aims to Know upland rice varieties that are tolerant to drought stress , determine soil moisture levels are optimal for the growth and productivity of upland rice . The experiment was conducted in the hamlet of Bendosari, Regency of Sleman, Laboratory of Crop Science Faculty of Agriculture , Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture Planting Management in January-May 2013. The design used was Randomized Complete Design, consists of two factors: Varieties and Watering Interval ( 1,2,4 and 6 days ) . The results showed an interaction between varieties of upland rice and water supply to leaf area of 12 week after sowing, leaf area ratio of 9 week after sowing, Leaf area ratio of 12 week after sowing, net assimilation rate , specific leaf weight of 9 week after sowing, specific leaf weight of 12 week after sowing, weight of a hundred seeds , plant seed weight and harvest index. Effect of Water or Increased stress causes a decrease in root length of 12 week after sowing, root surface of 9 week after sowing, surface root of 12 week after sowing, stomatal width aperture , stomatal length aperture , transpiration rate , content of chlorophyll b , leaf area ratio of 12 week after sowing, relative growth rate , plant height , plant dry weight of 9 week after sowing, plant dry weight 12 week after sowing, weight of a hundred seeds , and plant seeds weight. but, increased of proline , net assimilation rate , leaf weight of 9 week after sowing, and specific Leaf Weight of 12 week after sowing. Effect of varieties showed that the varieties Inpago 4 has longest root , root shot ratio, surface root , leaf area , dry weight , plant height , weight of a hundred seeds , and the highest harvest index . But, it had lowest of specific Leaf weight ,lowest of leaf area ratio , lowest of rate of transpiration ,lowest stomatal width aperture ,lowest of stomatal length aperture , and lowest proline content . situ bagendit and inpago 4 is the drought tolerant varieties of upland rice . Inpago 6 and inpago 5 is the drought intolerant varieties of upland rice. Levels of soil moisture at 65,25% to 75.91% field capacity soil moisture levels are optimal for upland rice varieties. 55.92% field capacity soil moisture content or lower than 55.92% field capacity could influence water deficiency to upland rice.