Summary: | Nowadays, backpacker is a new lifestyle that attracts many people,
especially the young ones. As the people who do backpacking in Indonesia rise in
the recent time, the backpacker communities ae created. As the time goes, the
backpacker communities have shown their existence more and more. Their
existence can be seen in various kinds of articles, both in printed and online
media. In many some books of backpacker�s stories there are many special term
written in. It occurs due to the usage of the terms. Most of the terms used by
backpackers are foreign language, especially in English. They do not use that
terms correctly. The using of language in backpacker�s communities has its own
unique and there are some special terms in it
A study of language use in backpacker communities implemented in three
stages, collecting, analyzing, and presenting. Data taken from BWISK, National
Geographic Traveller Indonesia, and Data were
taken from that magazine and website because the author assume that the source
is the most representative source.
The position of register in backpacker communities in the society has met
the concepts of many aspects in trip now, unlike before when it could not be
described of expressed. Terms in backpacker�s communities have also met the
characteristics as register.they have their own unique compared to the other terms
known by people in general and have become a way in intragroup
Furthermore, the author will also discuss the usage of terms in foreign
language, especially in English, code-mixing, and social functions contained in
them. Code-mixing occurs from the differetiation of cultural background,
language, and education between backpacker�s communities in Indonesia and the
origin backpacker communities. Code-mixing also occurs from the limitation of
language in expressing something and there is no equivalent concept that meet the
wanted meaning. Code-mixing divided in two parts, inner code, and outer code.
Terms uptake and code-mixing have affected the function of register backpacker�s
communities language function. The language function affected by social factors
and becomes social function.