Summary: | Ants are a group of insects that have important role in ecosystem and also can be an indicator
species to detect environment changes due to the occurrence of a disturbance. This study
aims to determine how the condition of abundance, ant diversity along the environmental
factors that influence it, the potential bio-indicators of ants, and ants segregation in area of
mount ambawang-pemancing preserved forest (HLGAP).
7 plots placed at land use system consisting of maize, oil palm, rubber, acacia, shrub,
secondary forest 1 and secondary forest 2. Three ant-sampling technique used in the transects
that pitfall traps, litter shifter, and direct collecting. Shannon and Wiener diversity index is
used to describe the ant and vegetation. Correlation and multiple regression is used to see the
influence of environmental factors on ant diversity. While the relationship of environmental
factors on the distribution of the ant genus determined by ordination methods such as
redundancy analysis (RDA) using 4.5 and CanoDraw Canoco software for windows.
Research found 21 genera and 32 species of ants in land use systems HLGAP. lowest
abundance was found in the palm oil plantation and acacia are highest. Diversity Index
ranges at low to moderate levels. Maize area has a low ant diversity (H '= 1.0), and the
highest diversity in secondary forest 1 (H' = 2.22). Bioindicator by the presence of invasive
species indicated as disturbed areas, while the land in good condition is indicated by the
presence some indigenous of predators species. The results of multiple linear regression
analysis showed that the moisture is the main variables that affect the diversity of ant and ant
genus segregation that occur is 48,9 % influenced by environmental.