Summary: | This research explains the deconstruction of prostitute�s discourse in novel
Chrysan by Aloysia Joseph Happie. The prostitute who placed by the society as a
pathology, being different displayed. Novel Chrysan presents for opposing the
society normative views on prostitution. This research aims to look the Chrysan�s
deconstruction at the society normative view about prostitution and hidden
discourse that built Chrysan. The problems which will be answered on this
research are how paradoxality in Chrysan and how the self-deconstruction on
This research uses deconstruction approach formulated by Derrida.
Deconstruction is based on basic assumption that the language is marked by
instability. Signifier/text with signified/author doesn�t separate. There is always a
space between the signifier and signified that makes their relationship unstable.
Deconstructive reading aimed at finding the failure of any text which attempt to
close itself with a single meaning. To know the deconstruction in novel Chrysan,
researcher uses a method of deconstruction, which identifies a hierarchy of
opposition in the text so it appears which systematically privileged. The
oppositions are reversed, for example by showing the interdependence between it,
or to propose privilege in reverse. Third, to introduce a new term or idea that can
be incorporated into the old opposition.
The result of this research indicates binary opposition paradoxality,
namely the ideal world and the real world. The result of the deconstruction
analysis on whore showed that the main character in the novel shows the break-in
of some hierarchical semantic field. The semantic field is not a whore, spiritual,
family, holy, home, normal, heaven, and village. Another break-in also appears on
the temporal aspect. That break-in attempt, show the text�s inconsistency. The text
deconstructs itself which pull the characters in the novel back to the real world.