Summary: | A research �The Tegghesan Layang Jatiswara Macapat in the Third
Nyadhâr Ceremony at Pinggir Papas Village, Sumenep� is based on conservation
and transformation of religious and social values contained in the oral tradition.
Oral tradition is a means of communication and expression language of society
that can be used to express and project the people for a certain time. The theory
used in this study is the oral tradition theory of Albert B. Lord that describes some
aspects of the creation of the oral tradition: 1) Formula and formulaic expression.
Formula is a group of words that are regularly used in similar dimension to reveal
certain basic ideas. Formulaic expression is the parts or array half prepared in
accordance with the formula pattern. 2) The theme or group of ideas, are events or
scenes that repeated and contained the descriptive passages in the narration. 3)
Inheritance or transmission procedures.
Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe tokang tegghes, their
process and the factors related to tokang tegghes in performing tegghesan. It
consists of: 1) Formulas and formulaic expressions of tegghesan that tokang
tegghes have said. 2) The pattern of inheritance or the way (of) for someone being
tokang tegghes. 3) The theme or main idea contained in the Layang Jatiswara that
have sing in macapatan at nyadhâr ceremony.
The result of the study leads to the conclusion: 1) the inherent regulation
to be tokang tegghes. The candidate of tokang tegghes is demanded to have the
capability of: a) understanding of the song (tembang), b) conceiving of the Java
language vocabularies, c) getting right of the storyline, and d) having a good
personality and a mature age. Whereas the theme is often repeated in macapat
nyadar is Jatiswara travel story in seeking of the truth meaning of life. In
performing tegghesan, tokang tegghes utilize the phrases, clauses, and sentence
that become formulas and formulaic expressions, such as: a) repetition of the end
line in tegghesan, b) repetition of all or part tegghesan, c) description of figure
and his honour, d) adding of the word 'èngghi ka'�into', e) adding of of the word
'ka'�into', f) adding of the word panotèng 'èpon'.