Summary: | This thesis aims to determine how the process of democratization of Egypt after
Hosni Mubarak , particularly the strength of the political map of post- revolution
Egypt . The emergence of the opposition movement with the movement of people
power in Egypt is very interesting to study . As well as looking at a map win
political power in the General Election held in a democratic Egypt . Repressed
opposition groups during the post- revolution Egypt 's authoritarian regime into a
new force in the political history of Egypt . In this ha is the Islamists , the Muslim
Brotherhood and Salafi . However , the strength of the Egyptian military is still
influential in the fight to Egypt after Hosni Mubarak politics . This study uses
theoretical frameworks Samuel P. Huntington : The Third Wave :
Democratization , to see the process of democratization Egypt after Hosni
Mubarak . The collapse of the Egyptian revolution is a legitimate leader and
increasing poverty . Those factors that led to the democratization of Egypt . This
study concluded at least two things : ( a) The collapse of Hosni Mubarak's
legitimacy is a driving factor Egyptian revolution . ( b ) The emergence of the
opposition as a new force in the political history of Egypt . Namely Islamists ,
during the authoritarian regime banned before this group to evolve . Since it is
considered dangerous to authoritarian regimes . Map of Egypt post-revolution
political forces are divided into at least first , Islamists who dominate the
democratic ELECTION namely the Muslim Brotherhood -affiliated Freedom and
Justice Party ( Hizb al - Hurriyah wa �Adalah ) the first order and an- Salafi Nour
Party ( Hizb al - Nur ) in the second . Second , the Nationalists is a stronghold of
Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party and the third , is an independent
group . Nevertheless there are still influential military force in Egypt after the
government system Hosni Mubarak . Top Muslim Brotherhood is offered Shari'a .
Muslim Brotherhood likely to be more moderate than the Salafi group . There are
at least three challenges facing democracy in Egypt . System of authoritarian
leaders , military intervention in practical politics , and the strength of the
Islamists , afraid across strong ideology with Western democratic values