Shrnutí: | Since the French Revolution, the shifts in the French government system as well
as in the leadership of the country, brought several differences, such as social,
economic, and political disparities, which had led to alteration in social
stratification. The emergence of bourgeoisie among the classes that have been
there before, resulted in the pros and cons that affected every life aspect. One
evidence that discussed is the literary work from one of the French most famous
authors of that period, �mile Zola, called La fortune des Rougon. La fortune des
Rougon is the first novel of the Les Rougon-Macquart anthology depicting the life
of bourgeoisie in France during the Second Empire ruled by Louis-Charles
Napoléon. This research attempts to analyze the life of these new social classes
and their attempts to climb to the higher social levels, as well as to understand the
ideology of the novel. This research uses critical discourse analysis methods that
help to analyze the sociocultural impact.