Summary: | Community forest has a considerable role in controlling global warming
through its function as a carbon sequestration. Bamboo is a typical plant
dominating the Community Forests in Ngandong Sub-village Girikerto Village
Turi Sub-district Sleman District of Yogyakarta Special Province. A large number
of bamboo did not survive as the eruption of Merapi causing the loss of biomass
and carbon of the community forest ecosystems in the area. It can be seen from
the remained of bamboo stumps which are interesting to be observed, how the
influence of the eruption on the production of biomass and carbon is.
This study aims to determine the biomass and carbon production of
bamboo petung (Dedrocalamus asper) and to figure out the biomass and carbon
production of bamboo petung (Dedrocalamus asper) after the eruption of Merapi
in 2010. The research was conducted in the Community Forests in Ngandong
Sub-village Girikerto Village Turi Sub-district Sleman District. The methods used
to collect the field data is purposive sampling for determining the respondent who
are the owner of bamboo petung (Dedrocalamus asper) forest. Meanwhile, field
measurements were conducted by the inventory of performing bamboo petung
census, both on bamboo diameter, stumps, interviews, and distributing
questionnaires to find out the effect of the Merapi eruption.
This study provides information on the total amount of biomass of bamboo
petung in Ngandong Sub-village Girikerto Village Turi Sub-district Sleman
District Yogyakarta Special Province, is 226,1 ton/ha. Whereas the total carbon
in the Community Forest of Ngandong is 108,84 ton/ha, total carbon absorbed in
the Community Forest of Ngandongs is 399,448 ton/ha and total production of
bamboo is 149,180 ton/ha in a year. Merapi eruption in 2010 had significant
effect on bamboo biomass production in Ngandong Community Forests, as the
result of paired samples t-test.