Summary: | The emergence of social capital in the society after the earthquake hitting
Bantul and its vicinity in 2006 is an interesting phenomenon to be studied. Social
capital becomes a stimulator of the society in Candran Quarter, Mandingan
Hamlet, Kebun Agung Village, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region where is one
of the earthquake victims� regions to immediately resurrect from the downturn
after the earthquake. This study discusses about the working mechanism of social
capital in developing Candran village tourism as a means of increasing society
revenue. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence the
emergence of social capital in the Candran village tourism, to analyze the working
mechanism of social capital in the society in Candran village tourism, and to see
the impact of its use of the increasing society revenue. This study is a descriptive
qualitative research. The approach used in this study is a case study. This study is
using observation, interview, and documentation techniques in collecting data.
The result shows that social capital in the society in Candran village
tourism emerges slowly and gradually from the society, so it brings up strong
society participation. The cause of emergence is influenced by several factors,
such as: 1) territorial factor because of the sense in sharing another�s trials and
tribulations among the victims after the earthquake , 2) economic factor in which
the society want to increase their revenue, 3) social factor in which the society
want to solve their problems together, 4) cultural factor in which the society want
retain Javanese culture and agricultural tradition that has faded. The emergence of
social capital is strengthened by: 1) the existence of Museum Tani Jawa Indonesia
as an institution that organizing it, 2) the existence of actor who move as an
initiator in forming a tourism village, and 3) the existence of various motivations
that encourage the society to develop a Candran village tourism.
Types of social capital that exist and work in the development of the
Candran village tourism are: 1) high trust toward others, especially people who
are members of the Candran village tourism manager, 2) active participation in the
society, 3) existence of a reciprocal attitude of kindness (reciprocity) among the
society even to outsiders, 4) having an extensive and strong partnerships network,
both internal network and external network, 5) having the consistency of the
values and norms which are relatively stable. All these types of social capital
grow and develop until these mobilize the society to develop Candran village
tourism and to bring domestic and foreign tourists to there. Based on the result of
the analysis, the constraints that undermine social capital must be anticipated by
any parties to hold training, mentoring, and assisting so that social capital which
exists in the society in Candran village tourism still grows and develops.