Summary: | The main object in this study is novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. The
concern are the structures of the novel and the author`s view. This novel tells the
spirit to strive of main figures belonging to the �Laskar Pelangi�. They are Ikal,
Mahar, Lintang, Harun, Syahdan, A Kiong, Trapani, Borek or Samson, Kucai, Sahara
and Flo. This study aims to reveal the structure of the novel Laskar Pelangi and
world view of Andrea Hirata in Laskar Pelangi. Due to the novel purposes, the theory
which used the genetic structuralism of Lucien Goldmann. This study applies the
dialectical method. The method of describing at the text as a starting point and end
point of the study and it also pay attention to the coherence of the meaning of a text.
The results of this study indicate that the structure of the novel Laskar Pelangi
awakened by four elements, namely eleven problematic hero, the object sought or the
authentic values, Malay Belitung as the world's degraded and how the hero quest in
finding the authentic values. The structure is framed by a problematic hero quest will
be authentic values in a degraded world in a way that is also degraded. The eleven
members of the \"Laskar Pelangi\" to faces a lot of problems in life in the world that
has been degraded because it does not have the authentic values. They went to strive
an achieve a better balance in relation to fellow human beings, God, the world and
beyond, as well as the relationship between the outer and inner.
The novel is a reflection of the times that represent the author's view of the
world. Laskar Pelangi showing the romantic view of the world. The romance
ideology so important what Hirata Hirata describe eleventh problematic hero whom
rised pursue their dreams to have a high quality of life as when they collapsed in the
bondage of poverty, it is shown by Hirata whit keep trying and passed to pursue the
ideal life