Summary: | Bank's level of progress will be seen from its ability to serve customers,
both customers and suppliers wearer fund of funds. Value of the bank's ability to
serve is also evident from how to plan and build a bank transaction system
through Automated Teller Machine (ATM). More and more ATMs networks of
increasingly easy for customers to transact, but the party has limited resources, so
it needs no effort to select the appropriate places to build an ATM. This condition
is consistent with the goals of this study, namely (i) Test the ability of Remote
Sensing IKONOS image to obtain the parameters of urban land as a determinant
of the location of the ATM. (ii) determination of the location of the ATM based
on the parameters of urban land remote sensing image interpretation with the help
of GIS. (iii) Provide advice on the selection of alternative ATM locations in
Urban Yogyakarta.
The method used is to create a model of the location of the ATM with the
most potential based on the parameters of the land of accessibility to major roads,
types of land use, existing ATM existing security zones based on the distance
from the bank offices, residential blocks, the centers higher education, and trade
centers and modern services, in the region the Urban Yogyakarta. Basic data using
IKONOS images that are managed using Geographic Information System (GIS)
software ArcGIS degan ie.
The results showed, IKONOS image can be used to extract the data into
the parameters determining the location of ATMs. In certain parts, need to be
assisted by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Associated with the influence of
each parameter are different, then each parameter will be given different weights
then also carried out mathematical operations, and for spatial data using the Union
operation. The final product of the zones that have potential value as a place for
the installation of ATMs. The potential value is divided into five classes, namely
the highest grade is 'Very Potential' which includes 0.65% of the overall area of
research. Class 'Fairly Potential' includes 3.1%, class of 'Less Potential' includes
7.58%, the class 'No Potential' area of 27.43% and the class 'Strongly Potential' is
the most extensive, which is 61.89%.