Summary: | Medical equipment is one factor that plays an importan role in health service
to the community. Sustainable health services need to be supported with
equipment that is always in a condition ready to use and can be used with either.
The research was conducted at the Regional General Hospital Jayapura, Papua
Province. Importance performance analysis is use to analyze the determinants of
success of asset maintenance activities, while SWOT analysis is used to develop
maintenance strategies and the priority level of the existing strategy.
The results showed that:
1) an analysis of asset maintenance systems of medical devices indicates that there
is still a gap between the factors that are considered important to the performance
of maintenance in the regional general hospitals in papua. Factors that lies in the
first guadrant IPA analysis (factors that are important but the performance is not
good) are: (attention to asset maintenance program of medical devices that are
routinely scheduled, attention to asset maintenance program of medical devices
are scheduled at regular intervals, level existence of standard operating procedure
care, such as medical instruments, non-medical, or otherwise, confidence in the
examination/evaluation on the condition of assets medical devices, process
supervise the implementation of asset care medical devices are functioning
properly, confidence in the observation and treatment efforts utilization of
medical devices to function properly, level of professionalism in the utilization of
human resources and asset care medical devices, level of transparancy costs
associated with asset maintenance of medical devices).
2) According to SWOT analysis over asset maintenance system of medical
instruments in RSUD Jayapura, it depicts a highly favorable situation, where the
organization has the strength and oppertunity, therefore they can take adventage
of existing opportunities. The stratefy necessary to paply is to boast aggressive
growth (SO strategy or strength-opportunity).