Summary: | This thesis focuses on religious dimension of a social movement. Titled The Role
of Kyai in Contentious Politics concerning Land Dispute in Urutsewu Kebumen,
this research examines the resistance of village kyai toward the state and the
corporation. Not so many literature in contentious politics in which kyai engage
with mass of peasant except that of Sartono Kartodirjo� Peasant Revolt in Banten
1888. In the other side, the role of village kyai in Urutsewu in Kebumen is so
decisive. Therefore, this research is important in filling the gap of existing
literature by examining the role of kyai in contentious politics with the state and
corporation in Urutsewu, Kebumen concerning the land dispute.
This research is a field research utilizing an anthropological approach. Data are
gathered through interview and direct observation. To observe the repertoire of
action concerning the religious dimension, I utilize the theory of social movement
by Sidney Tarrow. According to this theory there are three important dimensions
within social movement: the first is framing