Summary: | Background: The globalization of information search behavior change impact
information on human generation in accessing scientific information needs. The
hallmark of globalization characterized by the development of information that is
the internet. The Internet is the most effective and efficient medium used by
generations of humans to access information needs, but not all generations are
using the media as seek and obtain scientific information. There are differences
and similarities between the scientific information access behavior of the older
generation and the younger generation in to access scientific information.
Aim : Based on the fenomena, the purpose of this study was to determine the
extent to which the dynamics of access to scientific information on Baby
Boomers, X, Y and Z generations in meeting the needs of scientific information,
Method : Access to information in this study are Information Seeking
Behavior and Information Searching Behavior, whereas the generation
of Baby Boomers are examined, X, Y and Z. user generation and sample location
at the Central Library, Gadjah Mada University. This study used a qualitative
approach with case study research. Data was collected through documentation,
archival records, interviews, observations and physical devices. The analysis of
this study used two ways with the interpretation of data and pairing patterns.
Results: The results of this study indicate that there are differences and
similarities access to scientific information on Baby Boomers, X, Y and Z in
performing activities of Information Seeking Behavior and procedures
Information Searching Behavior. Generation who have emotional intimacy with
technology have interacted with media activity convert online behavior, while the
generation that has no emotional closeness with technology, have activity interact
with the print media in overt behavior.
Conclusion: Scientific information access behavior on the generation of Baby
Boomers, X generation, Y generation and Z generation are very dynamic and
static, static said if the present of the development of information technology does
not change the habits of scientific information access behavior, while said to be
dynamic if the access behavior of the generation of scientific information follow
contemporary developments of information technology.