Summary: | This graduating paper tries to answer how John Keats� feeling of love to
Fanny Brawne is expressed in the poem Ode on Melancholy, and how that feeling
is portrayed using figurative language. This research uses Expressive theory in
order to find the first objective, which is the author�s feeling of love to Fanny that
is depicted in the poem Ode on Melancholy, in which the feeling is influenced by
his life experiences. In addition, there is literary term concept of figurative
language that is used to answer the second objective of this paper. The primary
data of this research is John Keats� poem, Ode on Melancholy. The secondary
data are the biography and the letters of John Keats.
Thus, the result of the research itself shows that the feeling of love, which
is expressed in the poem Ode on Melancholy, is John Keats own feeling to Fanny
Brawne during the journey of their love. A conflict of his feeling and emotion,
which is influenced by the early boyhood life, affects his perception toward love.
At the first time he meets Fanny, he pushes himself not to fall in love because of
his fear of being defeated and also his inferior feeling. Keats then starts to trust his
feeling and realizes that he really loves Fanny, because while standing with her,
he finds hope and happiness. He further encourages and devotes himself in order
to claim Fanny to be his own. In expressing his deepest love, Keats uses figurative
language in his poem Ode on Melancholy.
Keywords: feeling, life experiences, love, figurative language