Summary: | The research of case of mover diesel machine industry design registration
branded dong feng by other parties without permit of designer and the settlement
of its law is normative law research that have a purpose in order to point of the
should of such case that be settled through commercial court in Jakarta Pusat
state court high court, supreme court
Data that be used in this research is primary data, be gotten from field
research, by using questioner and interview guidance data collector. Secondary
data be gotten through library research by implementing literature study.
This research be done in commercial court of Jakarta Pusat state court
and supreme court. Be chosen commercial court of Jakarta pusat state court this
court have an authority in order to settle such case.
Qualitatively an analysis be done to data that have been selected for
arranging descriptive research report.
Conclusion that can be presented from the research of this research is
whereas such case that have been settled through commercial court of Jakarta
Pusat state court by the decree 12/Desain Industry/2008/PN.Jkt.Pst, ) the contens
Decision whereas the claim of claimer (PT. Adi Perkasa Buana) can not
be received, and after that the claimer apply the review application to saupreme
court by the decree number 069.Pk/Pdt.Sus/2010, and the contain of decision is to
review application to supreme court namely PT.Adi Perkas a Buana.
If in Industry design case have been settled by civil case and in the fact
the this crime case its settle can be arranging in article 54 jo. Article 9, article 8,
article 23 and article 32 the laws number 31/2000 and even be arraging also in
article 226 of crime laws.