Achoimre: | Serial is a creative story presented in chronologically continuous installments in
the magazine or newspaper. Serial has many elements in order to create one whole
unity. Those elements are important to understand the author�s purpose. The
elements which can be found on the literary works need to be described to clarify
the relationship between them. Those elements consist of facts (plot, character and
background), theme, and tools (title, point of view, language style, symbol and
irony). Clear interrelation among the elements will raise a captivating
understanding during the process of story reading. Readers will become more
interested in the story and understand the meaning that the author intends to
The object of the research is a serial entitled Lurung. The serial written by
Suhindriyo was published in the Javanese-speaking magazine Djaka Lodang in
2011 from the 6th to 12th episodes out of 16 episodes. The structural theory is used
to analyze the elements of this serial by analyzing the elements of literary works
in an attempt to find the interconnected functions to reveal the meaning that the
literary work wants to convey.The structural theory obtained from many books is
used to understand the structure of the serial and the relation among those
This research analyzes the narrative structure of the serial Lurung to explain the
meaning as intended by the author. The result is revealed through the theme, facts
and tools in this serial which shows the whole unity of the story of someone�s
journey of life. Through the life of the character, the author wants to convey some
Keywords: serial, structural analysis, relation among the elements