Summary: | Background: Every year in the world an estimated four million babies die in the
first four weeks of life (neonatal period), Three-quarters of neonatal deaths
happen in the first week and the highest risk of death is on the first day of life.
One of the causes of neonatal deaths in the world is asphyxia (23%). Neonatal
death due to asphyxia in NTB General Hospital is still high, reaching 121 deaths
in 2011 (58.17% ) out of the 208 cases and 115 deaths (60.52 %) out of 190 cases
in 2012. Risk factors for early neonatal death include asphyxia, prematurity, low
birth weight, infections, birth trauma, neonatal tetanus, congenital anomalies,
preeclampsia/eclampsia, premature rupture of membranes, prolonged labor, mode
of delivery, birth attendants, sex and status of the referral.
Objective: To analyze the risk factors for early neonatal mortality due to asphyxia
in NTB General Hospital from January to November 2013.
Methods: This study was hospital-based with a case-control study design.
Subjects were early neonates (0-7 days). Multivariable analysis used the logistic
regression model to determine the relationship of asphyxia to early neonatal
mortality with odds ratios (OR), 95% confidence interval.
Results: This study included 80 neonates, comprising 40 neonates who died and
40 neonates who lived. The results of logistic regression to asphyxia (OR = 6.17
and 95 % CI = 1.45 to 26.10), preterm (OR = 10.45 and 95 % CI = 2.41 to 45.25)
and referral status (OR = 33.36 and 95 % CI = 5.97 to 186.31) indicated the risk
factor of early neonatal death.
Conclusion: Asphyxia found to be higher in the early neonates who died than in
early neonates who lived. Prematurity and referral status increased the risk of
early neonatal mortality in infants with asphyxia in General Hospital NTB
Province in 2013.