Summary: | Background: Jampersal (Delivery Insurance) Program in Bone Bolango regency
had been implemented since 2011. Deliveries in health facilities increased but the
number of non delivery of health facilities is still quite high at 23.7 %, maternal
mortality increased threefold. This describes the problems in the implementation
of Jampersal (delivery insurance) that causes society had not fully utilize
Objective: To determine the factors influenced the barriers of Jampersal
utilization in Bone Bolango regency.
Methods: The qualitative research with case study design. The variables of this
study were: Jampersal, mother's knowledge, family support, access, and quality of
service. The research subjects were 25 informants, namely maternal who did not
utilize Jampersal, the manager of Jampersal program and midwives. The sample
determination was using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was carried
out systematically from the transcript until analysis.
Results: The public did not utilize Jampersal in Bolango Bone regency due to
lack of socialization and occur in women with a low educational level. The lack of
mothers� knowledge about Jampersal, symptoms and signs of labor and safe
delivery caused delays in making decision of maternity in health facilities. The big
difference in making decision in a remote area is determined by the parents while
in the regular area is determined by the husband. Delivery is usually takes place at
parents� home and birth attendants have a family relationship. Poskesdes not be
utilized for service delivery as unfit for human habitation and not fitted with
equipments. The less competent midwife, relatively young age, less experience
and most of them do not live in the village, as well as the customs and habits of
the people were important factors affecting women giving birth at home.
Conclusion: Barriers of Jampersal utilization due to lack of socialization, customs
and habits of the community, the availability of service delivery in the form of
personnel readiness and delivery care facilities, as well as the complexity of the
administrative claimants Jampersal funds.