Summary: | Country/regional loss information system (is called SIKAD) is an instrument
to obtain information on monitoring of the settlement of country/regional financial
loss, and report about those cases fastly and effectively in BPK RI. During the
deployment, 33% of the total of departement used SIKAD optimally, and 54% of
data could be inputed to SIKAD from the total of state/region financial loss cases.
This study aims to evaluate user acceptance of SIKAD in BPK RI. User in
this study was inputer, a person who have duty to input the data of of
country/regional financial loss. This study used Wixom and Todd model by adding
social influence dan IT acceptance variable. Testing was conducted with Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) by using SmartPLS. Testing was started from validity dan
reliability test, then hypothesis test in comparing t-statistic and t-tabel value at
significant level 90%.
The result showed that 8 (eight) hypothesis were accepted and had positive
affect between variables, and 2 (two) hypothesis showed there were not positive
affect between variables. Perceived of usefulness did not affect attitude toward using,
and attitude toward using did not affect IT acceptance. Rejection of the hypothesis
because the respondents think SIKAD could not facilitate their work and improve the
effectiveness of their work. Recommendations that could be considered for the future
among others provides easiness to inputer in performing taks and work, and IT
Departement and Ditama Binbangkum efforts synchronization data source.
Keyword - Country/regional loss information system, Wixom dan Todd Model,
Social Influence, IT Acceptance, SEM.