总结: | The purpose of this research was to analyze the business profits of dairy cattle
in all sizes (amount of herd), to find out the most profitable business scale and the
factors that affect farmer profits. Research done on August-September 2013, by
taking the study in groups of dairy farmers \"Karyo Ngremboko\" Banyuwangi
Regency. The data taking period of six months ( February-July 2013). The method
used was a survey method with interview directly to all members of the group as
many as 35 respondents. The data were analyzed deskriptif and quantitative.
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the effect of the
independent variable, the number of cow lactation (JL) and amount of the
concentrate feed (JPK), on the farmer profits (Prof).
The results of profit analysis, taking into account the added value of
livestock, account depreciation and did not take into labor costs unpaid, benefit of
the dairy business above the UMK Banyuwangi in 2013 Rp1.086.400,00 to 15
farmer respondents (43 percent), 14 farmer respondents (40 percent) under the
UMK and 6 farmer respondents (17 percent) get a loss. The highest monthly
farmer respondents advantage was Rp9.048.671,00 and the biggest loss was
Rp592.113,00 per month.
The herd scale of the most profitable businesses based on profits and ROI
was 14 herds size scale, to make a profit upper the UMK scale of at least six herd
size business, business scale advantage under the highest UMK is four herd size
business scale. Based on the factors affecting the profit of farmers (Prof) were the
number of cow lactation (JL) and the amount of the concentrate feed (JPK) very
significant positif affect Sig. 0,00(�� 0,01) and a significant effect simultaneously
Sig. 0,000 (��0,01) to the profits of farmer.