Summary: | The Final project graduating paper entitled \"The Prodaction Capacity of
Bags : A Case Study in Korean Company, PT. Komitrando Emporio Yogyakarta
(February-March 2013)\" was a report on research conducted during the one-month
internship in PT. Komitando Emporio. This graduating paper explained the bag
production capacity in PT. Komitrando Emporio in February to March 2013.
Through the research conducted, libraries and related data, it was known that PT.
Komitrando Emporio, in February to March 2013, produced eleven types of bags,
they were: bag-packs, travel bags, trolley bags, gym-sack and so forth. PT.
KomitrandoEmporio got order from Adidas Company in Vietnam. The common
problem that sometimes occurred was the lacks of maximum numbers of bag
production which could result in delays of providing product.