Summary: | There are so many public policies that have been produced by local government
after power transfer from central government. One of public policy is about student street
fighting (tawuran). in Bogor, author found interesting public policy in dealing with
student tawuran. The public policy did not only explain administration process but also
explain politic dynamic of formulation and implementation. It overrides state promoted
paradigm that in general involve in policy and emphasize social capital as product resulted
by people. Main element of the policy is establishment of student task force that place
student task force to deal with student tawuran in Bogor. Implementation of student task
force is not only administration process with authoritative decision, but is a political
process that continuously involves negotiation. Complex and dynamic student street
fighting places implementation of student task force in changing and unpredictable
situation. In result it may fail. Did student task force born from bottom-up process consider
implementability, which has synergy between policy content and context of its
implementation? The concern guide author on research question: why did student task
force become main element in dealing with student street fighting in Bogor?
This research used some though frames: policy implementation, top-down vs
bottom-up model, bottom-up model in policy implementation. Policy implementation is
presented to explain how student tawuran occur in Bogor as context of policy. With
bottom-up approach, author discovers participation of teacher as actors having knowledge,
insight on student street fighting issue. It plays role in context implementation that will
influence context of policy. Content of policy and context implementation in policy
implementation is used to see why student task force becomes main element in dealing
with student street fighting in Bogor. Then, this research used qualitative method with case
study design. Accurate data was obtained by integrating data source3 through interview,
document and observation. The three data was obtained with formal and informal ways.
The research found that student street fighting in Bogor has occurred since 1995.
Change in governmental system from centralistic to decentralistic system influenced
student street fighting in Bogor. It may be concern of teacher. Teacher movement to deal
with student street fighting reflected increase in people participation in public policy. In its
end of struggle, teachers try to influence decision making that result in a policy of student
task force. The policy was created from implementation process to deal with student street
fighting by society. It is an institution having bottom-up spirit in agenda setting,
formulation and implementation. An innovative policy that can adjust in development and
progress of student street fighting in Bogor. It is a policy having synergy between
implementation context and policy content that can deal with student street fighting in