Summary: | The developing countries, such as Indonesia, still relies heavily on the
agricultural sectors and the small business sectors. Therefore, in economic
activity, the survival and the growth of small businesses is interesting to be
studied. The number of domestic industries in Indonesia makes these
entrepreneurs should be able to keep abreast of the times which happen. However
from many crafts, there is handicraft whose existence is only one in the area, one
of which is ceramic craft in Klampok Banjarnegara.
With the problem formulation \"how to network of crafters in ceramic
crafts and development of business in ceramic crafts until now�, researcher is
trying to find a link between the social networks formed by the development of
business by ceramic crafters in Klampok village. This research also aims to look
at the entrepreneurs, entrepreneur-crafters and crafters, so it can grow today and to
know a social network which they form with regard to the development of their
The method of this research used is included in the category of qualitative
research with case study method. Type of case study used in this research is a
intrinsic case study, this research are to doing with special caracteristic of case
study and unique case study which are formed between the ceramic crafters in
Klampok and the development of business. A intrisic case study itself is chosen
because the researcher can understand better and it can describe the problems
which become the object of its research. From this research, it is obtained two
data, namely the primary data based on interviews with employers, entrepreneurscrafters and ceramic crafters and observations conducted in the center of ceramic
crafts in Klampok village. Whereas, secondary data is obtained from the
documentation of printing and electronic media.
By using the theory of Social Network and the Embeddedness Concept can
be concluded about the connection of social network with the progress of the
business formed between entrepreneurs, entrepreneur-crafters and crafters in
Klampok village. This social network is initially formed from the establishment of
Meandallaei ceramic which later inspires the establishment of Mustika ceramic
and Usaha Karya. From here, the social network among entrepreneurs of the
ceramic pottery in Klampok is formed. Then it starts becoming an attraction for
other rural communities in Klampok for founding business and it is established
the wider network among entrepreneurs of ceramic crafts. From the formation of
social networks among the entrepreneurs of ceramic crafts, it makes their
businesses can grow until now because they are attached in the social network.
The more extensiive social network which is formed, so the more progress
business they endure. The more limited social network which is formed, so
people�s attempt is more difficult to make the progress