Summary: | Background: Amurang District Hospital is owned by the Government which is
expected to be cultivated class C District Hospital. In order to do the
development necessary to study the feasibility of developing a hospital were
examined using aspects of the feasibility study in particular market analysis,
legal analysis, techniques and technologies analysis, human resources analysis
and financial analysis. The results of these five aspects are examined to
determine whether the development of the hospital was feasible to be developed
into class C District Hospital.
Goals: The aims of this study to analyze the feasibility of developing Amurang
District Hospital to be developed as a class C District Hospital based on market
analysis, legal analysis, techniques and technologies analysis, human resources
analysis and financial analysis.
Method: Methods of research conducted a case study with qualitative and
quantitative descriptive approach. Subjects were Hospital Management, District
Government, District Parliament (DPRD), and Local Society.
Result: Based on market analysis using chain ratio method, potential market for
outpatients is 84 patients per day and potential market for inpatients is 27
patients per day. These results indicate that Amurang District Hospital has a
good market potential. The results of the analysis of the legal aspects, Amurang
district hospital already meet the requirements for hospital building permit and
in the process of obtaining an operating permit for the determination of class.
Results of techniques and technologies analysis based on three criteria, hospital
services, facilities and hospital medical equipment accordance with the standard
class C hospital. The aspect of human resources, number of staff requirements
based on standard class C hospital. Results of financial analysis shows
development Amurang District Hospital spent IDR 114,006,389,519. Results of
investment feasibility analysis using net cash flow is NPV -113,581,933,739 and
IRR -6315%. Results of investment feasibility analysis using potential market
cash flow is NPV -100,952,176,853 and IRR -201%. Payback Period analysis
showed more than 10-year investment time.
Conclusion and recommendation: Amurang District Hospital development into
Class C hospital is not feasible.
Keywords: feasibility study, market analysis, legal analysis, techniques and
technologies analysis, human resources analysis, financial analysis, Amurang
District Hospital.