Summary: | The study was designed to identify the influence of weight and body size on the achievement of puberty age of Ongole crossbred heifers in Triandhini Rejo cattle group, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. The observation had been done on 36 heads of heifer from October 2012 until October 2013. When heifers showed first signs of estrous, the data of age, weight and body size ware collected. The heifers were weighed and measured then be grouped based on its puberty age, which predicted according to the turn of cattles incisors (Id, I1, and I2). The data of puberty age were calculated and analyzed descriptively, while the body weight and the body size of the heifers were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA test. Result of this study showed that the age of Ongole crossbred heifers puberty achieved on the three different age levels, which ware Id (1.5 years), I1 (2 years) and I2 (3 years), with the percentages were 41.67%, 33.33% and 25%. The average of body weights during onset of puberty on the puberty age of Id, I1, and I2 were 212.23±35.18 kg, 232.46±34.99 kg, and 202.72±20.27 kg. The highest average of body length, witheres height, hip height, chest width, girth of chest and head width were