Summary: | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a big potential in the national
economic of Indonesia. But there�s a lot of obstacles that faced by MSMEs to keep their business
on, one of them is the capital issued where MSMEs has a difficulty to access bank finance, even
though the accessibility of bank loans is vital for MSMEs to develop their business. On the other
hand, banks are still having difficulties to be able to provide credit to SMEs, because in generally
MSMEs have been feasible, but not yet bankable. To solve the problem, government then issued
a program Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) on 5 November 2007. Conceptually, these loans do not
require collateral in lending as credit is given to MSMEs that considered viable, PT. Asuransi
Kredit Indonesia (Askrindo) and Perum Sarana pengembangan Usaha (SPU) was appointed as
the KUR guarantor.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the program's Kredit Usaha Rakyat
(KUR) carried out by the Bank Rakyat Indonesia in Yogyakarta, also to investigate the factors
that influence the effectiveness of the program. The research method used in this research is a
qualitative research method using a descriptive approach. Meanwhile, the source of the data
obtained from the study of the Yogyakarta branch BRI, interviews with people who use the client
program BRI KUR in Yogyakarta branch, as well as from documents related to the research
focus of the KUR program effectiveness.
From the data analysis it can be concluded that the implementation of the KUR
program was less effective, because KUR only able to fulfill the objectives of the program,
which provides ease of access to credit for MSMEs which includes credit application
requirements, processes and procedures for filing, and loan disbursement time quite brief. While
the accuracy of the program to reach the target group, KUR considered ineffective because the
program can still be used by the group that is not a target of the program, where the procedure is
intended for businesses KUR feasible and not bankable, and for new venture that has never been
accessing credit. But in the implementation, many customers who already have access to credit
can still access the KUR program where the customer actually has bankable.
Keywords: effectiveness, credit, MSME, KUR