Summary: | Most of small scale dairy farmers in Indonesia still have not paid
attention on calving interval as the best parameter of their dairy business.
The longer the calving interval would influence their cost of inputs, as well
as revenue. This study was to evaluate the differences of gross margin
from different performance of calving intervals at PT Naksatra Kejora Dairy
Farm in Rowoseneng, Temanggung. 30 first lactation of Holstein Friesian
cows were selected based on different calving intervals which they were
devided into three groups, namely group 1, 2, and 3 for cows with
different calving interval 12-13 months, >13-14 months, and >14-15
months respectively. The result of the study showed that gross margin per
cow per year of animal in group 1, 2, and 3 were IDR 12,521,808, IDR
11,737,402.01, and IDR 10,258,385 respectively. It calculated that by one
month longer of calving interval would decline gross margin per year at the
amount of IDR 1,118,211.18 (10.19%) as well as decreasing IDR
10,857,350.10 (6,42%). There was decreased of gross margin per lifetime
production (12 years ) as an effect of longer one month calving interval
was IDR 10,857,350.10 (6.42%). It could be concluded that the longer the
calving interval would reduce the gross margin income of dairy farm, with
the best value has been found when calving interval was 12-13 months.
(Key word : Holstein Friesian cows, calving interval, gross margin income)