Summary: | The control of pests and plant disease increasingly require serious attention
so that the agricultural production can be optimized and safe to consume. Therefore,
a research is needed to compile initial databases relevant of plant pest control and to
determine the operating cost of sprayers through computer programs in the form of
Expert System.
The research in Srimartani Village, Piyungan Subdistrict, Bantul District was
conducted through interviews, literature studies, and sprayer testing. Database
compiled are based on the region data, plants, pests, plant diseases, chemical
sprayers, material prices, and the sprayers data. Besides sprayers, the expert system
is also constructed for the provision of technical advice regarding spraying time and
provision of additional information related to crops, pests, and plant diseases.
The initial database on this expert system are organized into (1) region
database from village to the provincial level, (2) plant database representing paddy
and coarse grain plants, (3) pest database composed of 16 types of pests, (4) plant
disease database composed of 10 types of diseases, (5) database of chemical sprayers,
(6) sprayer database which includes three types of sprayer, and (7) production
material price database. In the selection of sprayers, the expert system can provide a
comparison of operating costs and chemicals needed for each sprayer. The
operational costs of pneumatic sprayer manual are Rp 268.076,92/ha, the semiautomatic
pneumatic sprayer Rp 237.121,43/ha, and the blower sprayer are Rp
Key word: Selection, Sprayer, Pest and Disease Control , Expert System