Summary: | Merapi eruption in 2010 caused damage to the environment, due to volcanic ash
devastated posed capable of settlements and agricultural land as the backbone of the
economy of the people. This research aims to reveal knowledge systems of the
society vegetable peasant in conducting agricultural rehabilitation programs, as well
as to understand their level of success in adapting to the environment that is
susceptible to eruptions of Mount Merapi. Research about knowledge system
considered to be very important, in order to understand their feelings and thoughts in
representing the culture of the social environment, culture, and natural environment,
particularly in Gowok Sabrang, Sengi Village, Dukun Sub-district, Magelang
Regency, Central Java Province.
To achieve the objectives, this research applies a participant observation methods
to directly capture socio-cultural phenomenon in local society. In addition, indepth
interview is also used by applying a structured interview method (guide interview)
that has been prepared in the form of interview guide.
The results of this research indicate that changes in farming patterns, such as the
use of post-eruption cultivate a patch of land, intercropping and planting pattern with
a short harvest period, as well as the efficiency of the treatment plant production
costs, making the farmer is able to bounce back to normal activities. The pattern of
agricultural production cost savings made by residents after the eruption of this kind
continue to be done, and eventually each resident proved able to add some plot land is
state of the economy, which means they get better.
Kesuksesan warga, merehabilitasi pertanian pasca erusi tersebut, sudah pasti
tidak dapat dilepaskan dari berbagai bantuan, dan yang lebih utama adalah
kemadirian dari warga sendiri. Sikap kebersamaan, kerja keras, pantang menyerah
serta egaliteren merupakan fondasi utama yang terbukti mampu menghadapi bencana
erupsi Merapi. Makna yang dapat dipetik dari fenomena ini adalah bahwa, tinggal
dan menggantungkan hidup di daerah rawan bencana sungguh sangat beresiko,
namun dengan strategi adaptasi yang tepat, bencana tidak harus dipandang sebagai
ancaman, karena bisa dieliminir.
Success peasant rehabilitating the agricultural post eruption, certainly can not be
separated from a variety of assistance, and that is more important is autonomy of its
own peasant. The attitude of togetherness, hard work, never give up and egaliteren
are the main foundation that proved capable of facing the Merapi eruption. Meaning
that can be gleaned from this phenomenon, living and livelihood in disaster-prone
areas is extremely risky, but with appropriate adaptation strategies, disaster should
not be viewed as a threat, because it can be eliminated.