Shrnutí: | Companies are now using word-of-mouth communication for the sake of
product marketing and service. As technological development going well, word of
mouth communication is not just by seeing people each other face to face. This kind
of word of mouth communication is usually called electronic word of mouth (eWOM).
This communication depends on new media. One of the example is social media.
Electronic word of mouth communication are frequently used by customer, especially
youth. In addition, customers are able to share experience to other people about their
consumption actvities via social media. There are motivations that customer have
while doing eWOM communication via social media. Former research about
customer�s motivation doing eWOM has been initiated by Thorsten Hennig-Thurau,
Kevin P. Gwinner, Gianfranco Walsh, dan Dwayne D. Gremler, as the fundamental
of this research, titled �Electronic Word-of-Mouth via Consumer Opinion Platforms:
What Motivates Consumer to Articulate Themselves on The Internet�. In this
research, the writer needs to determine motivation of customer involved in eWOM
communication via social media. This research is using quantitative technique with
descriptive survey method. The data collection technique consist of questionaire,
interviews, and literature study.
From this research, the writer conclude that there are six factors influencing
youths doing eWOM communication via social media