总结: | The research of outdoor thermal comfort in Tugu-Kraton Street Corridor
Yogyakarta City is important to do. Urban heat island makes thermal comfort
declined. Outdoor is a place often used carrying out social interaction. Outdoor
thermal comfort is depended on its enclosure. Study has objectives to measure
thermal comfort degree and identify its factors. In addition, study also identifies
enclosure�s influence towards outdoor thermal comfort.
Study uses a mixed deductive method. Quantitative analysis is used to
measure thermal comfort. Qualitative analysis is used to relate enclosure�s
influence to microclimate condition of the corridor. Study got 256 respondents who
have been doing activity in Tugu-Kraton Street Corridor. Interpretation of
microclimate data and respondent�s characteristic was done in the same time.
The result of study indicates that Tugu-Kraton Street Corridor isn�t
comfortable. It is indicated by PET value 37,96°C. PET value shows outdoor
thermal comfort standard in Tugu-Kraton Street Corridor at person in the age of
35 years old, 57 kg in weight, and 170 cm in height when he/she is doing activity as
big as 1,1 met with clothes 0,52 clo, air temperature 31°C, mean radiant
temperature 39°C, solar radiation 51,11 W/m2, air humidity 57,47%RH and wind
velocity 0,11 m/s.
Youngster prefer colder microclimate than children and old people do.
Thermal comfort in Tugu-Kraton Street Corridor is mostly influenced by air
temperature, air humidity, and wind velocity. Comfortable outdoor tends to have
bright colored buildings, wide setback, a lot of wide crown trees, paved floor, a lot
of street furniture, and closed sky view factor.