Summary: | The aim of this reseach was to know the density, diversity and distribution patterns
of epifauna macrobenthos inmangrove ecosystem of Opak-Oya estuary. Sampling
was carried out from November to December 2013 at five stations based on different
water environment.Samples were collected using surber net with frame size of 30 X
30 cm,for each stationwas collected at 10 point. Data were analized descriptively,
such as individual density, deversity, dominance, and spatial distribution of
macrobenthos species.The result showed that macrobenthos density in mangrove
ecosystem was 349 ind/m2 cosisting of 12 species in 7 family and 2 classes. The
higest species density wasTerebra hectica(35,5%), followed by Terebia granifera
(28,66%),but thespecies with less density (<1%) wasEupagurus bernhardus,
Episesarma chengtongense, Natica lineata, Polinices sebae, and Uca pugnax. The
community of macrobenthos in Mangrove ecosystemhaslow diversity however the
dominance of species was medium. A good management practice was required to
sustainthe organisms community in mangrove ecosystem. Management may include
mangrove planting in west side of ecosystem which can support macrobenthos