Summary: | Cyberculture is a culture formed through online media. Information and
communication technologies (ICTs) are the derivation of cyber culture, which is recently a
hot issue and necessary to discuss. At present, ICTs have sufficiently quick development. At
the international level, ICTs have been able to change the order of life, including in
economic, social, and cultural aspects. Through ICTs, individual and public needs can be met
faster. In Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta Municipality, ICTs develop fast. The peak is at
the beginning of 2000�s indicated by the increasingly high number of internet cafes as online
media with function as communication and information delivery media.
The existence of information is increasingly easy to gain. The presence of newspapers
and other offline media tends to be washed out because the presence of more practical and
up-to-date online media. Facilitation for gaining information can be the trigger for individuals
to respond anything occurred. This case attracted the researcher to conduct this study.
Participatory process is unable to be separated from information available, because it
is possible that individuals can participate in urban development if they do not have
knowledge and information related to the intricacy of municipality. Many urban problems
increase community development. Therefore, community participation should seek solutions
for the urban problems recently encountered.
One of the urban problems as a focus of this study is hotel development. In
Yogyakarta Municipality, trend in the hotel development has increased since two years ago.
Through this study, researcher found relationship between ICTs as the media for community
aspirations related to hotel development, as well as how the participatory process can
generate solutions for any problems resulted from hotel development. In addition, researcher
also found factors affecting the community participation of Yogyakarta Municipality through
ICTs. It can be expected that the results of the study can be made as the learning inputs and
references for research in the future.