Summary: | In the Second Empire government, the development in the field of
education started the development in other fields, such as economics and politics.
These happened without taking off of influence from the Church, which at that
time had a close relationship with the State. The appearance of the new social
class, named Bourgeoisie, has changed the life style of the society, which was
oriented to God at first, then changed into materials. The society expected to be
free from the Church control. The dominant role of the Church was shifted as the
new social class�s role grew bigger. This research discusses about the life of the
society in the Second Empire government as represented by �mile Zola on La
Faute de l�Abbé Mouret through the life of religionists. Problems showed up from
him (internal) and the surroundings (external), encouraged the main character to
leave the Church and take off his �clergyman� status. To solve the problem in the
research, Sociology of Religion theory of Max Weber is used and Critical
Discourse Analysis of Norman Fairclough as the method of research with the
approach of Sociology in Literature.
Keywords : religionist, Church, Second Empire, �mile Zola, La Faute de
l�Abbé Mouret