Summary: | Telopia is an unique form of bakpia diversification product using purple
sweet potatoes. Telopia diversification lies in the kumbu manufacture that is made
of purple potatoes. The use of purple sweet potato as raw material for bakpia
products is not new method. This is a positive value in terms of food
diversification. The use of new raw materials certainly cause differences in flavor
and texture that is different from the product in general. Currently telopia is going
to be developed as innovative products processed using furnace processing before
using a gas stove. Furnace processing is expected to provide Telopia with higher
quality than that of processed using gas stove. It is therefore necessary to develop
furnace-processing telopia using value engineering method as a approach .
This study aims to design a furnace-processed telopia product using the
method of Value Engineering, which is an organized process to add the value and
quality of product to meet or to exceed customer expectations. Stages of this value
engineering consists of information phase, creative phase, analysis phase, and
recommendation phase. Phase analysis uses sensory test methods to get the final
performance of the concept designs of the furnace-processed products
produced,along with gas stove-processed products.
Product development of the furnace-processed focuses on attributes of
taste quality, color, shape and crispness. The concept design of the furnaceprocessed
products produced in eight pieces with a comparison of gas stoveprocessed
products. The result of the study mentions that the concept of E concept
is ranked first while concept I (gas stove-processed products) is ranked five. It
explains that the furnace-processed products (concept E) can be used as an
alternative for developing telopia products.
Keywords: telopia, value engineering, product concept, furnace processing.