要約: | Madukismo Sugar Factory (PG Maduksimo) is a company engaged in the
production of sugar. In this company there are various sugar production machines both
manual and automatic machines where both types are not separated from the role of
workers. Negligence in production activity not only will interrupt production process, but
also will harm the workers. The objective of this research are to identify potential hazards
of Occupational Health and Safety that can happen, scoring the risks, and also giving a
corrective recommendation based on each risk level for Madukismo Sugar Factory.
This research used methods Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOPS), which is a
method to identify the problems of operational processes that can affect the production
efficiency and worker safety. Identification was done by focusing on the analysis of the
operation systematically. The study was conducted on all production activities on PG
Madukismo such as preparation, milling, refining, evaporation, cooking, sentrifugation,
and also packaging and storage. The HAZOPS datas that obtained were assessed the risks
level using risk matrix based on the Australia/New Zealand Standard (AS / NZS ISO
31000: 2009). Based on the risk level, Recommendations of corrective action was given.
The results showed there are 3 levels of risks identified from a 26 potential hazards
throughout the production process namely Low , Moderate , and High . At Low risk level ,
the recommendation is to discipline workers by giving a warning to workers and make
additional rules beyond the employment contract. At the Moderate level of risk, the
recommendation is remind workers to always use Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE )
for work by applied of rewards and punishment program. At High risk level, the
recommendations of corrective action must be made immediately at least 48 hours from a
report that have been made. The recommendation are giving a curved pipe on defecator II ,
use gloves and safety cloth, make a footrest on the chair in the purification work station.
Next, changing the position of SHS 50 kg�s filler, changing the sitting position of tailor and
weighing workers at storage packaging work station. Making a table and chairs for 1 kg of
SHS sugar�s weighing workers, adding conveyor belt height as 30 cm and also make table
for container packing workers at packaging and storage workstation. Theese
recommendations not only will correct a working posture but also increase work