Resumo: | Performance of Head of District�s Electoral in Pemalang regency in 2010
were won by \" H. Junaedi - Mukti Agung Wibowo \" the selection of the Regent
and Vice Regent are interesting to study . Victory of the phenomenal couples
utilizing charisma and clerical influence in increasing the mass to seize the seat of
the Regent and Vice Regent .
Research about the election of regent was conducted to detect the operation
of the network management between candidate of the regent and vice- regent with
clerics in mass mobilization. Network whose has role and activities according to
the natural environment of clerics on Islamic domicile . Network Management
theory is used to detect the political campaign strategy by applying the indicator.
This research used qualitative methods with case studies . Data collection
techniques was conducted by selected informant interviews with the method of '
snowball sampling ' and study documentation . Data analysis was conducted by
reducing , presenting and making a conclusion of data obtained from the
observation of key indicators based on Theory Management Network , like an
activity identification of perception, potential , the rules arrangement and present
the interaction tool .
The results of research which conducted by the analysis of Network
Management Theory is obtaining new knowledge , like a cooperation in the
elections which managed by network management. Researchers found a unique
major value which have a role in the election that is a bond of brotherhood . Bond
of brotherhood was very supportive the cooperation between candidate pairs and
clerics, which can be managed more easily by network management , especially in
integrating perception , establish the rules of cooperation , and conduct
surveillance field activities.