总结: | The lack of the ability to decide the proper plant in the land-use planning
makes Indonesia has no agriculture product priority to be exported. Another
disadvantage in using manual land evaluation is the limitation of land area to
be evaluated. It still left a problem to evaluate a wide area such as watershed.
For that reasons, it needs a framework of integrated land-evaluation,
multi criteria decision analysis, and land-use planning optimization which is
user-friendly and ease all the stake holders to make a decision anytime from
anywhere. The proposed model is based on thermodynamics theory especially
entropy equilibrium in order to modify AHP which used in Multi-Criteria
Decision Analysis.
This dissertation proposed a model of land use optimization model in
order to facilitates farmer, land-owner, government, planner, or other stake
holders to make the best decision. The model is implemented as a web-based
loosely coupled MCDA-GIS called Jala Peta Maya. Testing of the model has
been conducted in Bogowonto watershed. It is obtained that the implemen
tation of the model works well within the framework of thought. The result
proves that the entropy-modified model gives a better crops allocation map.