Sammanfattning: | This final study describes Records Appraisal and Disposal. The purpose of
this study is to find out the records appraisal and disposal in Pemerintah Desa
Caturtunggal Kecamatan Depok Kabupaten Sleman Provinsi Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta. The purpose of the records appraisal and disposal are to reduce the
volume of the records, to facilitate utilization of the records, retrieval, monitoring,
and time efficiency, costs, and record employee in this government institution.
Methods used in this research are participant observation, interview, and
literature. First, participant observation was conducted by observing and being
involved directly in the field to get the data as a final project report preparation.
The second method is interview with competent interviewees under the theme of
records appraisal and disposal. The interview was conducted to obtain information
about the history of the Pemerintah Desa Caturtunggal, the composition of the
main duties and functions of the organization, and the subject matter of the
appraisal and disposal archives in Pemerintah Desa Caturtunggal. Afterwards, the
method is literature, this method was done by taking a material therein, namely
concepts, theories and ideas about archival activities, especially the activities of
records appraisal and disposal to strengthen the argument and to obtain supporting
data wich are relevant to the topic discussion.
The conclusion of this report is that records disposal in Pemerintah Desa
Caturtunggal has not previously been done, the existing records in each section
was unorganized including the records duplicate and non archives.This is because
the records employee are very small in amount. At this times Pemerintah Desa
Caturtunggal has just started the process of records destruction. The process of
records destruction in this institution has been held only in the Sekretariat Desa.
There are still many obstacles encountered when implementing appraisal and
disposal especially at the records appraisal.