Summary: | The prototype of temperature and room lights automaticcontroll systemis
basedon ATMEGA328PmicrocontrollerwithArduinoUnoR3board.The controller
system works by input from PIR sensor, LM35temperaturesensor, andRTC.
While the output is in form of big LED as light which needs large power supply
and small LED as light which needs small power and a fan as AC prototype or
room temperature controller.
This temperatureandlight-controlling device is intendedto control theroomair
conditionerandthe lightsin the office rooms orat homewiththe purpose of
reducingelectricity consumption. This devicewillwork duringworking
hoursandafterworking hours, it will disablethe LEDandfan, as well asduring
working hoursbutno one is in the room, thusall theLEDsandthe
fanwilldie.Temperaturecontrolsystemis alsoadapted to thetemperature ofthe
roomat the time.The higher the temperature is, the faster thefan rotation will be.
Sowhen theroom temperatureis lowandduring working hoursbutno onein the
room, thefanwill bedisabledorspinningslow andlargeLEDwill be offand
asmallLEDwill light up. And if anybody is coming into the room the Large LED
will turned on and the fan will spin faster.
This temperature and room lights control system
willdisablealloutputwhenoffice hoursare over. Therefore, this deviceis
unbelievablyhelpfultomaximizethe efficiency ofelectricity consumption.