Summary: | The presence of many streets traders in Kesehatan Street which are located in front of Sardjito hospital have been caused some impacts, one of them is clutter. It takes some problems such as the traffic jam disturbing the beauty and tidiness of the city look because their location occupying the public area.
The objective of the research is to find out the role can be done by each actors to the effort of structuring some street traders in Kesehatan Street. The clutter happens in Kesehatan Street because of the presence of many street traders which has not been solved of by some related stakeholders until now.
The study of this research focuses on the public policy theory and the role of stakeholders related to it about the presence of many traders as the workers included as informal sector which can help in supplying the job vacancy for many society have low education and minimum skill who need get the attention from the government. So, the government policy and the related actor has important role in determining the continuance of street traders.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The procedures of collecting data is done by interview method with some actors, such as Market agency Sleman and Satpol PP , DPPA and SKKK UGM, Sardjito, LBH Yogyakarta, and the Community of Sardjito Street Traders. In this research, the other methods used are observation and documentation to help uncovering the reality in the field. From the collected data, it can be used to arrange the result of further analysis.
From the analysis data shows that the role of some related actors for the presence of street traders in front of Sardjito Hospital namely UGM, Sardjto Hospital and Sleman Regency are still on progress and the cooperation done by those actors has not been integrated particularly in determining the best policy took. It is because of those actors have bad responsibility in solving the problem and the clutter of presence street traders there.
The suggestion given by those actors, especially to UGM is formulating the policy and having good responsibility integrated with Sardjito Hospital and Sleman Regency to displace street traders to the legal places so that can give their continuance of their life by not losing their economic and social rights.