Summary: | The activity of tin mining in Belitung Island has started since the Dutch colonial period. As Time
goes by, mining activity cause the impact on physical, social and economic aspect. Since most of
them are the negative impact, so that�s what made The Government of East Belitung District
make the policy. These policies aim to solve and reduce the impact, so the impact won�t be
greater. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the policies of the local tin mining that made
by the local government of East Regency
The research�s method is the descriptive qualitative method. This method combines some datas,
the primary data, secondary data, and the data that obtained in the field through questionnaires
and interviews. Interviews were conducted to the local government, the subdistrict Damar
Society, and people who work as miners. The research sites include 5 (five) villages, they are Air
Kelik Village, Mempaya Village, Burung Mandi Village, Mengkubang Village and Sukamandi
Village. In this research, evaluation techniques use the evaluation concept of William Dunn,
Public Policy Analysis.
The tin mining activity by local community cause some impacts for physical, social, and
economic aspectThe Local Government policies that evaluated in this research is mined land
reclamation policy , the policy of \" Good Mining Practice \" training and zoning policy of local
community mining or as known as �Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat� ( WPR ).From the results of
the evaluation , a total of 51 respondents considered that the local government still doesn�t
accompany in field directly to do reclamation, so there are still many open-mined land left. A
total of 72 percent of the population considered that the WPR policy still can not resolve the
problem of land disputes. Additionally This WPR policy is not effective because the referenced
land use document, The Urban Land Use Plan of The East Belitung Regency is still not official
for public publishing. The local community still doesn�t in the field what they get on \" Good
Mining Practice \" training. It is caused of people had been already familiar with the common
pattern and process of tin mining. So from the evaluation process, the local government policies
are still not effective.
The participation of local community and cooperation of local government and private sector is
the success key on the policy implementation.